What is a smartphone?
The following follows a difference of opinion of the first Windows powered UMTS smartphone - the SPV M5000 in my opinion, but the ASUS P305 in Arnes.
Arne: The Universal is - by Microsoft's own definition - a Pocket PC Phone Edition (using Windows Mobile for Pocket PC) while the Asus P305 is using Windows Mobile for Smartphone which makes it the first UMTS Windows Mobile Smartphone. ;)
Me: Ahh, I see where you're coming from. Actually, I was wondering myself recently what actually defines a "smartphone". I guess it's been long accepted that the Microsoft OSs, Symbian Series 60, 80 and UIQ, and Palm all would make a phone a "smartphone" (in my way of thinking at least). But what with regular phones becoming better and better, the gap is certainly closing. Things that were once the domain only of smartphones - A fully featured internet browser, QVGA screens, QWERTY thumb-boards - have all been assimilated into the masses of "dumb-phones".
Perhaps it's the ability to run something else other than Java? How would you define it?
Arne: In the GSM world itself it was defined as or at least it was used as: Mobile Phone, Feature Phone Smartphone and you are right, the line between Feature Phone and Smartphone is fading out now. I would follow your suggestion that a Feature Phone might have a full Internet browser today but is running applications in a sand boxed Java environment only while Smartphones are a little bit more "open" and allows to run apps on the native platform (Windows Mobile, Symbian, UIQ).From the Microsoft point of view the Smartphone/Pocket PC Phone Edition definition was the following:Smartphone: Voice centric with data supportPocket PC Phone Edition: Data centric with voice supportToday I would define it as:Smartphone: Keyboard only inputPocket PC Phone Edition: Touch screen input which also supports additional keyboard support (today, with Windows Mobile 5.0)
So come on people, I know it's sunday (at the moment), but let's see some comments!
a smartphone is a device that A: freezes B: reboots c: crashes while installing software D: can't use it for a modem conection as it conflicts with the sync software E: runs really slowly F: takes half an hour to power on G: runs out of memory really quickly H: will throw up wierd and wonderful error messages periodically I: takes half and hour to power off J: doesn't recognise the memory card K: will lose all of your data at some point L: will drain the battery in under a hour just for using it e.t.c
Heheheh! that made me chuckle! Good skills
Smartphones are ones that wear suits and bow ties. They steer clear of such vulgarities as trainers and baseball caps, preferring hand-stitched Scottish brogues and top hats (which they will always doff to a passing lady). They are always nicely turned out and have excellent manners.
LMAO @ Sekret skwirrel...
anyway, Im with the general concensus, that if it has a non proprietary OS (symbian,windows mobile etc) it is a smartphone, and a TV out or multi megapixel camera doth not a smartphone make scozzie
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